Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 1: “Oh, *@%#! I forgot my passport!”

Yes.  That phrase was uttered by Thomas about two and a half hours after we left Stellenbosch.  After some last minute errands I had to run (to ensure we had fuel to cook with, snacks for the car, etc.), we left Stellenbosch around 11:00.  We had made it to the Cederberg Mountains, when Thomas realized that he a forgotten his passport.  After laughing at him, and then realizing that he wasn’t joking, we decided to turn around and go back to Stellenbosch so he could actually come with us and enter Namibia.  When we got back home we decided that we would leave the next day at 4am so that we could get to the Namibian boarder early and make up for lost time.

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