Saturday, May 18, 2013

Surfin’ RSA

South Africa is known for its surfing - also for its shark attacks.  Despite this, I really wanted to go surfing at least once.  I had the opportunity to join Stellenbosch’s Surfing Club, but I decided not to.  At the end of the semester, Neil, Daniel and I took a minibus to Strand Beach to rent some boards and take a lesson from Neil (who had taken several lessons over the course of the semester).  When we got to the board rental shop, the owner said that we were too late and he was closing in 1 hour which wasn’t going to be enough time for us to actually learn what the heck we were doing and then catch some waved.  But since we were already there we headed to the beach ended up building sand castles and swimming in the freezing cold water.  Daniel and Neil built quite the castle.  I started work on my hobbit hole, but didn’t quite finish.

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